Dr. Rolan D. Monje

Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament


  • University of the Philippines, B.Sc. (Electrical Engineering), cum laude
  • American Bible College-Florida, Master of Ministry (Historical Theology)
  • Heythrop College, UK, Diploma in Theology
  • University of London, Bachelor of Divinity (Biblical Languages), magna cum laude
  • American Bible College-Florida, Doctor of Ministry (Pastoral Theology)


Rolan Monje serves as an evangelist, teacher, and author. His international teaching ministry

has taken him to some forty countries across six continents. He is also director of the Asia-

Pacific Leadership Academy in Manila. 

Rolan and his wife, Weng, oversee a region of churches in the Philippines. They have two


You can visit his website at rolanmonje.com and his blogs on Facebook

@rolanmonjebooks and Instagram @rolanmonje.

Published Books ( ipibooks.com): 


  • “Into the Psalms” (DPI, 2010; IPI, 2012)
  • “Exodus: Making Israel’s Journey Your Own” (IPI, 2013)
  • “After the Storm: Hope and Healing from Ezra-Nehemiah” (IPI, 2014)
  • "Finish Strong! The Message of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi” (IPI, 2015)
  • "Remember the Lord: Reflections on the Book of Deuteronomy"(IPI, 2020)
  • “Dear Church” (Central Books, 2023)
  • “Letters from Jesus - To the Seven Churches of Revelation” (IPI, 2024)
  • “Go Beyond! Insights from Jonah, Nahum, and Obadiah (Central Books, 2024)


Languages—Formal Studies:


  • Biblical Greek - 5 semesters (University of London; Loyola School of Theology)
  • Biblical Hebrew - 4 semesters (University of London)
  • Hebrew Grammar Intensive - 2 term equiv. (Oxford University)
  • Biblical Aramaic - 2 semesters (Israel Institute of Biblical Studies; Hebrew University)
  • Classical Syriac - 2 semesters (Central European University)
  • Attic (Classical) Greek - 2 semesters (Oxford University)
  • Genesis Context and Hebrew Readings - 2 semesters (Jerusalem University College)


Research Interests:


  • Old Testament Wisdom and Poetry; Israelite Postexilic History; Pastoral Theology


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