Course Catalog

New Course Catalog for 2024-2025

Please download our  Course Catalog  here or select a link below to see the individual course details.

  • Master of Arts in Biblical Studies ( 36 Semester Hours, 12 Courses of 3 Credits Each )

    Master of Arts in Biblical Studies (Download Completion Worksheet)

    36 Semester Hours, 12 Courses of 3 Credits Each

    This MasterÕs Degree prepares the student for deeper understanding and study of the Bible in English

    Prerequisite: Approved Bachelor’s Degree in Any Discipline

    A. Required Core Courses:

    1 . OT600 Introduction to the Old Testament

    2. NT600 Introduction to the New Testament

    3. CT611 Introduction to Christian Theology


    CT696 Introduction to Christian World View and World Religions

    4. GB615 Biblical Hermeneutics and Exegesis

    5. CH600 Church History

    6. AP600 Christian Apologetics

    B. Elective Courses:

    Choose any 6 courses from General Bible (GB), New Testament (NT), Old Testament (OT), Christian Theology (CT), Church History (CH), and Christian Apologetics (AP) Departments. In special circumstances one class from Christian Ministry (CM) Department may be approved to fulfill one of the required 6 elective courses. Students are encouraged to choose GB700 (Capstone Paper) as one of their electives courses.

  • Master of Arts in Christian Ministry ( 36 Semester Hours, 12 courses of 3 Credits Each )

    Master of Arts in Christian Ministry (Download Completion Worksheeet)

    36 Semester Hours, 12 Courses of 3 Credits Each

    This MasterÕs Degree equips the Christian Minister and other Christian workers to be able to both study the Scripture in a deeper manner as well as learn practical skills in ministering to their congregation.

    Prerequisite: Approved Bachelor’s Degree in Any Discipline

    A. Required Core Courses:

    1 . OT600 Introduction to the Old Testament

    2. NT600 Introduction to the New Testament

    3. CT611 Introduction to Christian Theology


    CT696 Introduction to Christian World View and World Religions

    4. GB615 Biblical Hermeneutics and Exegesis

    5. CH600 Church History

    6. AP600 Christian Apologetics

    B. Elective Courses:

    Choose any 6 courses from Christian Ministry (CM) and/or Pastoral Care and Counseling (PC) and/or Christian Spirituality (CS) Departments. NT659 The Book of Acts course is also allowed to be one of the 6 elective courses for this degree. Students are encouraged to consider

  • Master of Arts in Biblical Studies with Languages ( 48 Semester Hours, 16 courses of 3 Credits Each )

    Master of Arts in Biblical Studies with Languages (Download Completion Worksheet)

    48 Semester Hours, 16 Courses of 3 Credits Each

    This MasterÕs Degree will have the same Core Courses as the Master of Arts in Biblical Studies above except that in addition it will also require 6 Semester Hours in NT Greek and 6 Semester Hours in OT Hebrew as noted below. It equips the Christian Minister or other Christian worker for deeper study of the Bible through the use of its original languages.

    Why, you may ask, should I study the Bible in its original languages? We have created the following short video to answer that question: "Why should I learn Biblical Languages?"

    Prerequisite: Approved Bachelor’s Degree in Any Discipline

    A. Required Core Courses:

    OT600 Introduction to the Old Testament

    NT600 Introduction to the New Testament

    CT611 Introduction to Christian Theology


    CT696 Christian Theology and World Religions

    GB615 Biblical Hermeneutics and Exegesis

    CH600 ChurchHistory

    AP600 Christian Apologetics

    NT610 Greek Basics

    NT611 Greek Exegesis

    OT610 Biblical Hebrew Basics

    OT611 Biblical Hebrew Exegesis


    B. Elective Courses:

    Choose any 6 courses from General Bible (GB), New Testament (NT), Old Testament (OT), Christian Theology (CT), Church History (CH), Christian Spirituality (CS), and Christian Apologetics (AP) Departments. Students are encouraged to choose GB700 (Capstone Paper) as one of their electives courses. In special circumstances up to three classes from Christian Ministry (CM) and/or Pastoral Care and Counseling (PC) and/or Christian Spirituality (CS) Departments may be approved to fulfill three of the required 6 elective courses.

  • Master of Arts in Christian Counseling ( 36 Semester Hours, 12 courses of 3 Credits Each )

    Master of Arts in Christian Counseling (Download Completion Worksheet)

    36 Semester Hours, 12 Courses of 3 Credits Each

    This MasterÕs Degree equips Christian leaders and other Christian workers to be able to counsel and minister to disciples in their church setting from a Biblical World View. This degree does not lead to state certification.

    Prerequisite: Approved Bachelor’s Degree in Any Discipline

    A. Required Core Courses:

    From the Biblical Field (4 Courses)


    CT611 Introduction to Christian Theology

    NT653The Sermon on the Mount and Beyond

    GB615 Biblical Hermeneutics and Exegesis


    From the Christian Counseling and Christian Spirituality Fields (8 Courses)

    PC600 Pastoral Care and Counseling

    CM654 Jesus and Spiritual Formation (Same as CT654, SF603)

    PC603 Marriage and the Family Counseling

    PC622 Counseling Adolescents

    PC645 Christian Sexuality Counseling

    PC680 Depression, Anxiety, and Mental Health Counseling

    PC655 Grief Counseling

    PC690 Biblical Counseling Practicum or PC695/CM695 Disciples In Motion Ministry Practicum

  • Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation (36 Semester Hours, 12 Courses of 3 Credits Each)

    Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation (Download Completion Worksheet)


    A Master’s degree in spiritual formation allows the student time, space, and opportunity to experience a personal spiritual journey of transformation while learning spiritual disciplines that will foster spiritual growth in other disciples and in their spiritual community. The student will explore how the church has practiced spiritual formation throughout its history.


    In this program, students will:

    · Learn the theology and theory of spiritual formation.

    · Study and practice the spiritual disciplines that lead to spiritual formation. Learn the varieties of Christian spiritual practice and experience that practice.

    · Identify and initiate changes in character, behavior, relationships, vision, values, ministry, influence, and servant leadership.

    · Enrich and deepen their experiential relationship with Jesus

    · Discover how to build a ministry of spiritual formation.


    Prerequisite: Approved Bachelor’s Degree in Any Discipline


    A. Required Core Courses:

    1. From the Biblical Field (four courses)

    a. OT600 Introduction to the Old Testament

    b. NT600 Introduction to the New Testament

    c. GB 615 Biblical Hermeneutics and Exegesis

    d. Choose either CT611 Introduction to Christian Theology or CH600

    Church History

    2. From the Spiritual Formation Field (four courses)

    a. SF601 Introduction to Spiritual Formation and Spirituality (Spiritual

    Formation Foundations)

    b. SF602 The History of Spirituality

    c. SF603 Jesus and Spiritual Formation (and the Spiritual Disciplines)

    (Same as CM654 and CT654)

    d. SF604 Classics in Spiritual Formation

    e. SF610 The Theology of Spirtuality


                  B. Elective Courses (4 courses): Choose 4 additional courses: Choose 2 additional

    courses from the Spiritual Formation (SF) department and 2 courses from any of the following departments:  Spiritual Formation (SF), Christian Counseling (CC), General Bible (GB), New Testament (NT), Old Testament (OT), or Christian Theology (CT). Also, students may use SF690 Spiritual Formation Practicum or SF695 Spiritual Formation Retreat or SF700 Spiritual Formation Capstone Research Paper for one of these electives when approved by a faculty advisor.


                 C. Required Spiritual Direction Module: Over the course of study each student is

    expected to meet periodically with their spiritual advisor to discuss their spiritual development.


                 D. University Studies (0 credit hours but required):

    a. US500 Introduction to Graduate Studies at RMSMT

  • Master of Divinity (75 Semester Hours, 25 Courses of 3 Credits Each)

    Master of Divinity (Download Completion Worksheet)

    75 Semester Hours, 25 Courses of 3 Credits 


    The Master of Divinity Degree is the standard professional vocational theological degree for full-time church leaders. The program is designed to prepare the Christian worker to be well-rounded in the understanding of the Bible, ministry/pastoral care to their church members, as well as tools in how to successfully lead a church. Our Master of Divinity program is a 75-semester hour program that will prepare leaders in our churches worldwide to be the best ministers possible. It prepares leaders for ministry in a deeper and more balanced manner than the 36-hour masters degrees we also offer. This degree has three majors to choose from: Master of Divinity (no special concentration), Master of Divinity in Pastoral Counseling (this does not lead to state certification as a professional counselor), and Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies.

    Prerequisite: Approved Bachelor’s Degree in Any Discipline

    A. Required Core Courses (20 Courses, 60 Semester Hours)


     1. Comprehending Scripture (27 hours)

     ______a. OT600 Introduction to the Old Testament

     ______b. NT600 Introduction to the New Testament

     ______c. GB615 Biblical Hermeneutics and Exegesis

     ______d. NT610 Greek Basics

     ______e. NT611 Greek Exegesis

     ______f. OT610 Hebrew Basics

     ______g. OT611 Hebrew Exegesis

     ______h. One NT Bible Book Greek Exegesis

     ______i. One OT Bible Book Hebrew Exegesis


     2. Comprehending Theology and Christian Tradition (9 Hours)

     ______a. CH600 Church History

     ______b. CH601 History and Theology of the Restoration Movement

     ______c. CT611 Introduction to Christian Theology


     3. Skills for Ministry (21 Semester Hours)

     ______a. CM605 Servant Leadership and Discipleship Principles OR SF680 The Theology and Practice of Biblical Discipleship in the Age of the Reign of God

    ______b. CM601 Biblical Homiletics

    ______c. PC600 Pastoral Care and Counseling

    ______d. CM689 Christ and Culture

    ______e. CT654/CM654/CS654 Jesus and Spiritual Formation

    ______f. CM751 Congregational Studies

    ______g. CM610 The Biblical Foundations and Practice of Christian Family Ministry

    4. Mentored Ministry Experience depending on the Master of Divinity major (3 hours). 

    This course is to be taken at the end of the student’s program.  Choose according to student major:

    ______a. CM890 Ministry Practicum (General Studies), OR choose b or c below

    ______b. PC891 Clinical Pastoral Education Experience OR PC690 Biblical Counseling Practicum/PC695 Disciples In Motion Ministry Practicum (for Master of Divinity in Pastoral Counseling)

    ______c. GB901 Master of Divinity Thesis (for Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies)


    5. University Studies (0 credit hours):

    ______a. US 500 Introduction to Graduate Studies at RMSMT


    B. Electives: 5 courses for ones’ major concentration according to the following (15 Semester Hours):


    1.  Master of Divinity in General Studies = Choose five courses (at least two from the Biblical Studies (GB/NT/OT)//Christian Theology (CT)/ Apologetics (AP) areas and at least two courses from the Ministry/Counseling/Spiritual Formation area (15 Semester Hours))




    ______b. ___________________________________________


    ______c. ____________________________________________


     ______d. ____________________________________________



    2. Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies: Choose five courses offered from the Biblical Studies (GB/NT/OT)/ and/or Christian Theology (CT)/ and up to two courses from the Apologetics (AP) departments (15 Semester Hours)




    ______b. ___________________________________________


    ______c. ____________________________________________


      ______d. ____________________________________________




    3. Master of Divinity in Christian Pastoral Counseling: All the following are required (15 Semester Hours):

    ______a. PC622 Counseling Adolescents

    ______b. PC 645 Christian Sexuality Counseling

    ______c. PC680 Depression, Anxiety, and Mental Health Counseling

    ______d. PC603 Marriage and the Family Counseling

    ______e. PC655 Grief, Suicideology, and Crisis Counseling

  • Graduate Certificate in Biblical Studies ( Successful Completion of 4 of the Master of Arts in Biblical Studies Courses, 12 Semester Hours )

    Graduate Certificate in Biblical Studies (Download Completion Worksheet)

    Successful Completion of 4 of the Master of Arts in Biblical Studies Courses, 12 Semester Hours

    Outcomes: This Certificate gives the Christian Minister or other Christian worker an overview of the Bible and an opportunity to begin to dig deeper into the Old Testament, New Testament, and/or Christian Theology. Its purpose is to give the Christian student an introduction to Biblical Studies on the graduate level and equip them to be better able to teach others the foundations of the Christian faith..

    Prerequisite: Approved Bachelor’s Degree in Any Discipline

    A. Graduation for the Graduate Certificate in Biblical Studies requires 4 courses 3

    of which are required core courses. There is 1 elective.


    B. Graduate Certificate in Biblical Studies Required Core Courses. (Please check off when


    1. __________GB615 Biblical Hermeneutics and Exegesis


    2.  __________NT600 Introduction to the New Testament


    3.  __________OT600 Introduction to the Old Testament


    C. Elective Course:  Choose any course from General Bible (GB), New

    Testament (NT), Old Testament (OT), or Christian Theology (CT). Students would also be allowed to take Church History (CH600) for part of this requirement as well. (Fill in the Blank below for the Elective you have taken).


    1. ______________________________________


    D. University Studies (0 credit hours):

    1. __________US500 Introduction to Graduate Studies at RMSMT

Class Descriptions By Department

Select the department links below to see class descriptions.

  • Christian Apologetics

    Department of Christian Apologetics

    A. AP600 Christian Apologetics 

    This course teaches principles of defending and promoting the Christian faith 

    B. AP600s Christian Apologetics (AP600 Apologética Cristiana) 

    This class teaches principles of defending and promoting the Christian faith in Spanish 

    (Este curso enseña los principios de la defensa y la promoción de la fe cristiana) 

    C. AP605 Science, Theology, and Philosophy 

    This course involves an analysis of the connections between science,  theology, and philosophy.  Consideration is given to the philosophy of science, the relationship of science and religion, different paradigms of theological interpretation, and various mega issues of cosmology (e.g., the big bang, the anthropic principle, the age of the Universe) 

    D. AP651 Biblical Archaeology and the Christian Faith (Same as GB605 and CM651) 

    With the help of practicing archaeologists in the field, this course will bring to light the importance of this field to our Christian life and ministry. This introduction to archaeology will help students gain critical skills in how to think about the historical context of the biblical narrative as well as how to use archaeological data in teaching and preaching in the church 

    E. AP699 Special Topics in Christian Apologetics  

    This course involves an in-depth study of special Christian Apologetics topics 

  • Christian Ministry

    Department of Christian Ministry

    A. CM600 The Structure and Function of the Church 

    This course surveys the function of the church as a whole and also church polity, including principles of eldership, deaconship, and the role of evangelists and other church leaders as found in the Bible 

    B. CM601 Biblical Homiletics 

    This course is designed to provide the student with the skills necessary to preach relevant, biblical sermons. Attention is given to homiletical method, biblical and theological content, the contemporary context, and creative methodology. Students will examine contemporary thinking, current preachers, and possible approaches to preaching to the contemporary listener 

    C. CM602 Teaching Ministry of the Church 

    This course is an introduction to Christian Education and surveys methods of developing the teaching ministry of the church for all ages. 

    D. CM605 Servant Leadership and Discipleship Principles (Same as CT605) 

    This course involves a study and practice of biblical principles of  discipleship and servant leadership needed for Godly leadership in the church 

    E. CM609 The Work of the Holy Spirit (Same as CT609 and SF609) 

    This course involves a study of the work of the Holy Spirit as depicted in the Bible and applied to today 

    F. CM610 The Biblical Foundations and Practice of Christian Family Ministry  

    (Same as PC610) 

    This course will explore the biblical, spiritual, and theological foundations of “family” as they pertain to modern Christian ministry 

    G. CM640 Personal Evangelism and Intentional Disciple-Making 

    This course teaches principles of effective evangelism and effective  disciple-making from biblical principles  

    H. CM650 Church Administration 

    This course teaches principles of effective church administration at all levels of church growth 

    I. CM651 Biblical Archaeology and the Christian Faith (Same as GB605 and  


    With the help of practicing archaeologists in the field, this course will bring to light the importance of this field to our Christian life and ministry. This introduction to archaeology will help students gain critical skills in how to think about the historical context of the biblical narrative as well as how to use archaeological data in teaching and preaching in the church 

    J. CM654 Jesus and Spiritual Formation (Same as CT654 and SF603) This course teaches biblical principles of helping Christ be formed in each individual disciple 

    K. CM660 Prayer and Spiritual Formation (Same as SF660) 

    This course teaches principles of communicating with God for spiritual growth and maturity  

    L. CM670 Cross-Cultural Missionary Work 

    This course teaches principles of effective missionary work in a cross- cultural situation 

    M. CM680 The Theology and Practice of Biblical Discipleship in the age of the  Reign of God (Same as CT680 and SF680) 

    This course focuses on the theology and practice of biblical discipleship, cruciform living, two-way experiential communication with God, skill in being in step with the Holy Spirit, the theology and experience of joy and spiritual gifting, and understanding and navigating of the spiritual battle in the present reign of God 

    N. CM687 Ethical living in a Post-Modern World (Same as CT687) This course engages post-modern world view thoughts determining ways to effectively live the Christian life in the present world 

    O. CM689 Christ and Culture (Same as CT689) 

    What does Christ have to say to modern culture? How did Jesus interact with culture? How does he expect his followers to relate to culture today? Do disciples of Jesus escape from culture, stand in the midst of but fight against culture, baptize culture, or embrace culture? This class will explore these questions as well as matters of biblical justice, ecology, poverty, race, class, age, and gender 

    P. CM695 Disciples In Motion Ministry Practicum (Same as PC695) This course provides the opportunity and guidance for students to develop a Disciples In Motion Ministry in their Church 

    Q. CM696 Christian Ministry Internship (recommended for students with no   ministry experience and is for MA in Christian Ministry students) 

    This is a one-semester in-practice ministry course at an approved church 

    R. CM699 Christian Ministry Topics  

    This course focuses on one or more areas of ministry not covered in other classes 

    S. CM700 Christian Ministry Capstone Project (for MA in Christian Ministry  Students) 

    This course evaluates a student’s ability to apply ministry principles to a  ministry setting. It involves an approved field-based project completed in a field setting 


    T. CM751 Congregational Studies  

    This course is a comprehensive course on various aspects of leading a congregation including conflict resolution, church polity (elders, deacons, evangelists, teachers), gender studies, church growth principles for different church sizes, church administration, church board, Kids Kingdom, conducting weddings and funerals, using technology, integrating spiritual gifts, etc. 

    U. CM890 Ministry Practicum (for Master of Divinity Students) 

    Ministry Practicum is a supervised ministry experience on the field in a church or church-related institution under the oversight of a field supervisor and the Dean of Biblical Studies and Ministry. It requires a minimum of 130 hours of ministry experience during the semester 

  • Christian Theology and World View

    Department of Christian Theology and World View

    A. CT605 Servant Leadership and Discipleship Principles (Same as CM605) 

    This course involves a study and practice of biblical principles of  discipleship and servant leadership needed for Godly leadership in the church 

    B. CT609 The Work of the Holy Spirit (Same as CM609 and SF609) 

     This course involves a study of the work of the Holy Spirit as depicted in  the Bible and applied to today 

    C. CT611 Introduction to Christian Theology 

    This course surveys Christian theology and doctrine in the Bible both from a historical perspective as well as a systematic perspective 

    D. CT611s Introduction to Christian Theology (CT611 Introducción a la Teología Cristiana) 

    This course surveys Christian theology and doctrine in the Bible both from a historical perspective as well as a systematic perspective in 


    (Este curso ofrece un panorama a la teología y la doctrina cristiana en la Biblia desde las perspectivas histórica y sistemática) 

    E. CT654 Jesus and Spiritual Formation (same as CM654 and SF602) This course teaches biblical principles of helping Christ be formed in each individual disciple  

    F. CT680 The Theology and Practice of Biblical Discipleship in the age of the  

    Reign of God (Same as SF680 and CM680) 

    This course focuses on the theology and practice of biblical discipleship, cruciform living, two-way experiential communication with God, skill in being in step with the Holy Spirit, the theology and experience of joy and spiritual gifting, and understanding and navigating of the spiritual battle in the present reign of God 

    G. CT687 Ethical living in a Post-Modern World (Same as CM687) 

    This course engages post-modern world view thoughts determining  

    ways to effectively live the Christian life in the present world 

    H. CT689 Christ and Culture (Same as CM689) 

    What does Christ have to say to modern culture? How did Jesus interact with culture? How does he expect his followers to relate to culture today? Do disciples of Jesus escape from culture, stand in the midst of but fight against culture, baptize culture, or embrace culture? This class will explore these questions as well as matters of biblical justice, ecology, poverty, race, class, age, and gender 

    I. CT696 Christian Theology and World Religions 

    This course surveys the principles and beliefs (doctrines) of the Christian 

    World View in the Bible in contrast with other World Religions 

    J. CT699 Christian Theology or World View Topics  

    This course involves an in-depth study of special Christian 

    Theology/World View topics 

  • Church History

    Department of Church History

    A. CH600 Church History

    • This class surveys the history of the Christian Church from its inception in the first century AD to today

    B. CH601 History and Theology of the Restoration Movement

    • This course surveys the historical development, documents, and theology of the Stone-Campbell Movement

    C. CH699 Special Topics in Church History

    • This course involves an in-depth study of special Church History topics
  • General Bible

    Department of General Bible

    A. GB501 Introduction to the Bible 

    The course studies the metanarrative of the Bible as it is developed in the Old and New Testaments. This is a required course for Master of Arts in Christian Counseling students but is also designed for entering Biblical Studies and Master of Divinity students with little or no background in the study of the Bible 

    B. GB605 Biblical Archaeology and the Christian Faith (AP651 and CM651) With the help of practicing archaeologists in the field, this course will bring to light the importance of this field to our Christian life and ministry. This introduction to archaeology will help students gain critical skills in how to think about the historical context of the biblical narrative as well as how to use archaeological data in teaching and preaching in the church 

    C. GB615 Biblical Hermeneutics and Exegesis 

    This course surveys resources, principles, and methods of interpreting the Bible with special emphasis on contemporary hermeneutical approaches 

    D. GB615s Biblical Hermeneutics and Exegesis (GB615 Hermenéutica Bíblica y Exégesis). 

    This course surveys resources, principles, and methods of interpreting the Bible with special emphasis on contemporary hermeneutical approaches in Spanish 

    (Este curso revisa principios, recursos, principios y métodos de interpretación de la Biblia con énfasis especial en los enfoques hermenéuticos contemporáneos) 

    E. GB699 General Bible Topics  

    This course will involve an in-depth study of special general Bible topics 

    F. GB700 Capstone Paper (for Master of Arts in Biblical Studies and Master of  

    Arts in Biblical Studies with Languages students) 

    This course evaluates the student’s grasp of biblical research, exegesis, and theological understanding.  This is done through completing a 35-45 page research paper on an approved biblical passage or biblical/theological topic 

    G. GB901 Master of Divinity Thesis (for Master of Divinity students)  This thesis for Master of Divinity Students majoring in Biblical Studies will be written according to RMSMT guidelines. The topic or biblical passage needs to be approved by RMSMT. The student may choose to defend the thesis in an oral exam or make a presentation to a select audience. (6 hours) 

    H. GB902 Thesis Re-Registration (for Master of Divinity students) 

    Students not completing the thesis during the semester in which they register for it are required to re-register under the GB902 course number each semester (and pay the reregistration fee which is the equivalent of 3 semester hours) until the thesis is completed and approved. (0 hours) 

  • New Testament

    Department of New Testament

    A. NT600 Introduction to the New Testament 

    This course surveys the contents and backgrounds of all the books of the  Christian New Testament  

    B. NT600s Introduction to the New Testament (NT600 Introducción al Nuevo  Testamento) 

    This course surveys the contents and backgrounds of all the books of the  

    Christian New Testament in Spanish 

    (Este curso ofrece un panorama a los contenidos y trasfondos de todos los libros del Nuevo Testamento cristiano) 

    C. NT610 Greek Basics 

    This course consists of an introduction to the basic principles of New Testament Greek  

    D. NT611 Greek Exegesis 

    This course consists of learning detailed elements involved in NT Greek  exegesis. Prerequisite: NT610 

    E. NT631 English Exegesis of a Synoptic Gospel 

    An exegetical study of a synoptic Gospel in the English text with attention to the theological themes, structure, historical setting, its relationships to the other Gospels, and interpretation of selected portions 

    F. NT651 The Life and Teaching of Jesus the Messiah 

    This course is an in-depth English text study of Jesus’ teachings and life  as depicted in the four gospels of the Bible 

    G. NT653 The Sermon on the Mount and Beyond 

    This course involves an in-depth English text study of the Sermon on the Mount from the Book of Matthew, Christian ethics found in it, and this passage’s application to today 

    H. NT659 The Book of Acts 

    This course involves an in-depth English text study of the contents and history found in the Book of Acts and has a special focus on the biblicaltheological themes of conversion, the Holy Spirit, church polity, and leadership principles 

    I. NT674 Hebrews  

    An introduction to the Book of Hebrews using the English text with a focus on the book’s rhetoric, use of the Old Testament, and Christology, with special attention to how each of these contribute to the book’s overall purpose 

    J. NT731. Greek Exegesis of a Synoptic Gospel 

    An exegetical study of a synoptic Gospel in the Greek text with attention to the theological themes, structure, historical setting, its relationships to the other Gospels, and interpretation of selected portions. NT 610 is a prerequisite 

    K. NT733 Greek Exegesis of the Gospel of John 

    An exegetical study of the Greek text with attention to the theological themes, structure, historical setting, and interpretation of selected portions. Attention will also be given to the Gospel’s relationship to the Synoptics. NT 610 is a prerequisite 

    L. NT734 Greek Exegesis of the Book of Acts 

    An exegetical study of the Greek text with attention to the theological themes, structure, purposes, the hermeneutical questions concerning how Acts relates to the contemporary church, and the interpretation of selected portions. NT 610 is a prerequisite 

    M. NT735. Greek Exegesis of the Pauline Letters 

    An exegetical study of the Greek text of one or more of the Pauline writings with attention to the theological themes, structures, historical setting, and interpretation of selected portions. NT 610 is a prerequisite 

    N. NT737 Greek Exegesis of Hebrews  

    An exegetical study of the Greek text with attention to the theological themes, structures, historical setting, the use of the Old Testament, and interpretation of selected portions. NT 610 is a prerequisite 

    O. NT738 Greek Exegesis of the General Letters 

    An exegetical study of the Greek text of one or more of the documents known as the general or catholic letters (James, I-II Peter, I-III John, and Jude) with attention to the theological themes, structure, historical setting, and interpretation of selected portions. NT 610 is a prerequisite 

    P. NT739 Greek Exegesis of the Book of Revelation 

    An exegetical study of the Greek text with attention to the theological themes, structure, historical setting, genres, and interpretation of selected portions. NT 610 is a prerequisite 

    Q. NT741 Second Temple Judaism (Same as OT741) 

    A study of the history and literature of the Intertestamental Period with particular emphasis given to connections between the Old and New Testaments as well as to developments that aid in the understanding of the writings of the New Testament. Students will be familiarized with political, social, and cultural issues related to understanding this historical period through the use of primary and secondary readings and a focused and guided research project 

    R. NT754 Text and Canon of the Bible (Same as OT754) 

    An examination of the historical, theological, and textual factors involved in the development of the biblical canon, covering both what became the Old and New Testaments and what did not 

    S. NT899 Special Studies in the NT  

    This course involves an in-depth study of a special NT topic 

  • Old Testament

    Department of Old Testament

    A. OT600 Introduction to the Old Testament 

    This course surveys the contents and backgrounds of all the books of the Christian Old Testament 

    B. OT600s Introduction to the Old Testament (OT600s Introducción al Antiguo  


    This course surveys the contents and backgrounds of all the books of the 

    Christian Old Testament in Spanish 

    (Este curso ofrece un panorama a los contenidos y trasfondos de todos los libros del Antiguo Testamento cristiano) 

    C. OT610 Biblical Hebrew Basics 

    This course consists of an introduction to the basic principles of OT Hebrew 

    D. OT611 Biblical Hebrew Exegesis 

    This course consists of learning detailed elements of OT Hebrew 

    Grammar in preparation for Hebrew Exegesis: Prerequisite: OT610 

    E. OT623 Interpreting Genesis 

    A study of the English text of the book of Genesis giving attention to its role as the first book in the Bible and exploring key themes in Genesis and beyond 

    F. OT631 Interpreting the Psalms 

    This course surveys the literary, historical, and social background of the Psalter; including its structure, themes, theology, and relevance. This is a study using the English text of the Psalter 

    G. OT635 Wisdom Literature 

    This course involves a study of the background, meaning, and exegesis of Proverbs and other Wisdom Literature of the OT. This is a study using the English text of this literature 

    H. OT 640 Interpreting Isaiah 

    A study of the English text of the book of Isaiah attending to literary, historical, and theological concerns 

    I. OT653: Deuteronomy  

    This course is an English exegetical study of the book of Deuteronomy, its literary features, canonical importance, and theological perspective 

    J. OT 731. Exegesis in the Pentateuch. An exegetical study of the Hebrew text of  one of the Pentateuchal books with emphasis upon critical issues, theology, and value for the church. The books Genesis, Exodus, and Deuteronomy will be offered at various times. Hebrew proficiency or OT 610 is a prerequisite 

    K. OT732 Exegesis of the Psalms  

    An exegetical study of the Hebrew text of the Psalms. The course will include a study of poetic, literary, and theological issues. Hebrew proficiency or OT 610 is a prerequisite 

    L. OT733 Exegesis of a Prophet  

    An exegetical study of portions of the Hebrew text of one of the prophets with attention given to critical issues, theology, and value for the church. The books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel will be offered at various times. Hebrew proficiency or OT 610 is a prerequisite 

    M. OT737 Exegesis of Old Testament Wisdom Literature 

    Exegesis of Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes or one of those books with consideration of the theology, literary forms, and parallel Ancient near eastern literature. Hebrew proficiency or OT 610 is a prerequisite 

    N. OT741 Second Temple Judaism (Same as NT731) 

    A study of the history and literature of the Intertestamental Period with particular emphasis given to connections between the Old and New Testaments as well as to developments that aid in the understanding of the writings of the New Testament. Students will be familiarized with political, social, and cultural issues related to understanding this historical period through the use of primary and secondary readings and a focused and guided research project 

    O. OT754 Text and Canon of the Bible (Same as NT754) 

    An examination of the historical, theological, and textual factors involved in the development of the biblical canon, covering both what became the Old and New Testaments and what did not 

    P. OT899 Special Studies in the OT  

    This course involves an in-depth study of a special OT topic 

  • Christian Spirituality and Formation

    Department of Christian Spirituality and Formation

    A. SF601 Introduction to Spiritual Formation and Spirituality (Spiritual Formation Foundations) 

    What is spiritual formation? This course examines the biblical, historical, and theological aspects of Christian formation with emphasis on both personal life and ministry contexts.0

     This course examines the principles, problems, and practices of spiritual growth in Christ, both personally and corporately, with an emphasis on the Christian disciplines. Explores the stages of spirituality and spiritual development. This course will help the student determine where they have been, where they are, and where they want to go on their spiritual journey.  

    B. SF602 The History and Theology of Spiritual Formation (Same as CH606) Focuses on the history of spiritual formation and examines the theological assumptions that have shaped that history. This course is an investigation into the development of Christian spirituality with special attention to key spiritual masters, developments, and documents throughout church history. 


    C. SF603 Jesus and Spiritual Formation (and the Spiritual Disciplines) (Same as  

    CT654 and CM654) 

    This course teaches biblical principles of helping Christ be formed in each individual disciple by exploring the life of Jesus and the gospels. The course focuses on how Jesus practiced the spiritual disciplines and what Jesus taught about the spiritual disciplines.  

    D. SF604 Classics of Spiritual Formation 

    Explores historical and contemporary writings that serve to both inform and form needed changes and growth in character, behavior, relationships, vision, values, ministry, godly influence, and servant leadership. 

    E. SF605 Biblical Spirituality  

    Explores primary passages in the Bible that speak directly to spiritual formation and the practice of spiritual formation, spiritual direction, and the spiritual disciplines. Along with guided lectures, the student will read through the Bible highlighting passages that speak to spirituality and spiritual formation.  

    F. SF606 The Art of Spiritual Leadership (Spirituality and Leadership) 

    The Art of Spiritual Leadership teaches the student how to cultivate and nurture communities that are focused on helping each member to reach his or her full potential in the Lord. The course begins by looking at leadership models and their strengths and weakness. Each student will explore their leader gifts. Also, the course will explore the harm of toxic leadership.  

    G. SF607 Christian Mysticism  

    This course offers a spiritual, historical, and theological survey of Christian mystics through the ages. The student will be introduced to classic Christian mystics and their writings.  

    H. SF608 Spirituality and Justice 

    This course is a study of the intersection of faith and social justice. It embraces the two great commandments: Love God and love neighbor. Students will explore relevant spiritual writings that apply to social justice and peacemaking, for example, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Dorothy Day, Walter Rauschenbusch, Howard Thurman, and Martin Luther King, Jr. The disciplines include service, meditation, prayer, simplicity, and the one another way.  

    I. SF609 The Work of the Holy Spirit (Same as CM609 and CT609) 

    This course involves a study of the work of the Holy Spirit as depicted in  the Bible and applied to today 

    J. SF660 Prayer and Spiritual Formation (Same as CM660) 

    This course teaches principles of communicating with God for spiritual growth and maturity 

    K. SF680 The Theology and Practice of Biblical Discipleship in the age of the Reign of God (Same as CT680 and CM680) 

    This course focuses on the theology and practice of biblical discipleship, cruciform living, two-way experiential communication with God, skill in being in step with the Holy Spirit, the theology and experience of joy and spiritual gifting, and understanding and navigating of the spiritual battle in the present reign of God 

    L. SF690 Spiritual Formation Practicum 

    This course provides the opportunity for learners to practice, experience, and gain skills in principles of Christian Spirituality.  This practicum focuses on the development of skills related to leading groups. The student will lead a group through a series of discussions to build competencies in the assessment and the nurturing of holistic Christian formation. Practicums can take the form of a Silent Retreat Practicum, a Church Leadership Practicum, or a Small Group Leadership Practicum  

    M. SF695 Spiritual Formation Retreat. 

    This course has no in-class time. The student will go on a personal spiritual retreat or attends a spiritual formation retreat. The student will learn and practice principles learned within the retreat and report on the experience.   

    N. SF699 Spiritual Formation Special Topics  

    This course focuses on one or more special areas of Christian Spirituality 

    O. SF700 Spiritual Formation Capstone Research Paper 

    This course evaluates the student’s grasp of Christian Spirituality through completing a 35-45 page research paper on an approved Christian Spirituality topic 

  • Pastoral Care and Counseling

    Department of Pastoral Care and Counseling

    A. PC600 Pastoral Care and Counseling 

    This course teaches principles of counseling consistent with Bible theology 

    B. PC603 Marriage and the Family Counseling 

    This class involves a study of the dynamics and proper application of the  biblical principles with respect to marriage and family 

    C. PC605 Christian Parenting 

    This course involves a study of biblical principles of parenting and their application 

    D. PC 610 The Biblical Foundation and Practice of Christian Family Ministry  

    (Same as CM610) 

    This course will explore the biblical, spiritual, and theological foundations of “family” as they pertain to modern Christian ministry 

    E. PC622 Counseling Adolescents 

    This course provides students with a framework for understanding the adolescent time period as a window of opportunity for healthy growth and development for the whole person with a special emphasis on spiritual maturity. Students will examine major theories and findings concerning biological, cognitive, social, and emotional development during adolescence.  A primary objective of this course is to help students become knowledgeable about the latest research on the time period of adolescence and apply this research to counseling adolescents towards spiritual maturity.  The course will be organized using the following framework:  Primary changes of adolescence (the developmental changes that make adolescence distinctive such as puberty, neurobiological, etc.) the contexts of adolescence (the settings in which these primary changes play out including family, peer group, schools, and religious institutions) and the secondary changes of adolescence (the psychological consequences of the interaction between the primary changes and the settings, organized into the domains of identity, autonomy, intimacy, sexuality, achievement, and spirituality).  The course will conclude with discussions about how to counsel and help adolescents 

    F. PC 645 Christian Sexuality Counseling 

    This course is an introduction to Human Sexuality will provide counseling students with an overview of human sexuality. Human sexuality will be examined through several different lenses (spiritual, personal, historical, cultural, and public health) and will focus on helping students integrate the physical, emotional, intellectual, and social aspects of sexuality 

    G. PC655 Grief, Suicideology, and Crisis Counseling 

    This course attempts to open avenues of insight and service through understanding various features of grief, suicideology, and crisis counseling. The students explore biblical, historical, and contemporary materials to apply the pastoral function with a healthy interface of theology and psychology. Numerous specific applications will be made in such areas of concern as crisis intervention, suicide intervention and prevention, and grief counseling across the lifespan with relevance in the church setting as the primary focus. The students' own lives and experiences are seen as a base for developing competence in a healing counseling ministry 

    H. PC662 Abnormal Psychology 

    This course gives an introduction to the study of psychopathology and  abnormal behavior. While touching on a range of disorders, (such as anxiety disorders, psychoses, personality disorders, and mental deficiencies), this 

    course discusses the development of these disorders as well as the methods of prevention and treatment 

    I. PC667 Counseling Tests, Techniques, and Assessment Skills. 

    This course introduces and familiarizes the student with a wide range of psychometric instruments, techniques, and Assessment Skills available for use as counselors 

    J. PC680 Depression, Anxiety, and Mental Health Counseling 

    This course surveys current views on the causes and treatments for depression, anxiety, and mental health issues, and gives students guidance on how to counsel these issues from a distinctly biblical anthropology, examining these conditions from both spiritual and physiological perspectives 

    K. PC690 Biblical Counseling Practicum 

    This course provides the opportunity for learners to practice the  principles and techniques of biblical counseling learned in previous course work within a structured context 

    L. PC695 Disciples In Motion Ministry Practicum 

    This course provides the opportunity and guidance for students to develop a Disciples In Motion Ministry in their Church 

    M. PC699 Special Studies in Pastoral Care  

     This course involves an in-depth study of a special Pastoral Care topic 

    N. PC700 Biblical Pastoral Care and Counseling Capstone Research Paper This course evaluates the student’s grasp of biblical counseling through completing a 35-45 page research paper on an approved biblical counseling topic 

    O. PC891 Clinical Pastoral Education Experience  

    Clinical Pastoral Education Experience is designed to be a unit of intensely supervised clinical experience in pastoral care and counseling to be taken off-campus at a facility approved by RMSMT. The student is required to arrange the experience in an approved setting. This course is not accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs nor does it lead to any state licensure. This course may be completed in two semesters of 3 hours each or one semester of 6 hours 

  • University Studies

    Department o University Studies  


    A. US 500 Introduction to Graduate Studies at RMSMT 

    This is a non-credit, two-week, pass/no pass orientation course which provides an overview of online learning, expectations of the student, an introduction to our online learning management system, an introduction to research and writing skills including Turabian format, RMSMT programs and policies, and delineating helps in preparing the student for successful completion of his or her degree here at RMSMT. The student must pass this course before taking other courses at RMSMT 

    B. US 500s(Spanish) Introduction to Graduate Studies at RMSMT (Introducción a los Estudios de Posgrado en la RMSMT) 

    The purpose of this non-credit, two-week, pass/no pass orientation course is to provide an overview of online learning, an introduction to our online learning management system, an introduction to research and writing skills, as well as giving other helps to prepare the student for successful completion of his or her degree here at RMSMT. The student must pass this course at the beginning of their program to be able to continue his or her studies at RMSMT. 

    (El propósito de este curso no acreditado de dos semanas y de aprobación / no aprobación es proveer un panorama de la educación enlínea, una introducción a nuestro Sistema de Gestión de Aprendizaje En Línea (LMS), una introducción a las habilidades de investigación y escritura, así como proporcionar otras ayudas para preparar al estudiante para una finalización exitosa de su grado en la RMSMT. El estudiante deberá aprobar este curso al inicio de su programa para poder continuar sus estudios en la RMSMT). 

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