Certificate of Christian Ministry (CCM) Course Registration
To register for any class below, you must have previously completed the RMSMT application that located here and emailed it to Dr. Glenn Giles at glenn@rmsmt.org . All tuition payments are due ten days before the first class day. Please pay online here .
CCMA6--Expository Preaching—Cost is $160.00
One of the purposes of preaching is to communicate to others what the Bible says in a relevant
personal manner. Expository preaching focuses on expounding on the text of the Bible. This is
very important for the nurture and maturity of disciples and would-be disciples of Jesus. This course begins March 12, 2023.
CCMB3--New Testament Survey -- Cost is $160.00
The books of the New Testament are the foundational documents for the Christian faith and the Christian church. They have been the directive authority for Christians’ bi-directional relationship with God, one another, and the lost for nearly 2000 years. As such it is critical to understand these documents, their meaning, and proper application if one is to reproduce that faith in today’s world. These documents reveal the character, person, life, and teachings of Jesus in the Gospels, the beginnings and history of the early Christian church in the book of Acts, the teachings and directions of the apostles and early Christian leaders of the church in the epistles, and the hope of God’s final victory amid trials and tribulations in this life and the future in the book of Revelation. This course begins January 29, 2023.
Use the form below to register for the the classes.
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